Great Advice on How to Create a Thesis Defense Presentation

Writing a thesis is a hard task, but you also have to prepare for a defense procedure. A good presentation is a key element of a successful defense, so you should master your slides and spend enough time working on your “big talk.” The following great advice is provided to help you remember the most important things and get everything ready for your defense.

How to Prepare Your Thesis Defense Presentation

Planning is everything, so use these guidelines on what homework to do in order to deliver a high-quality presentation:

  1. Remember about your audience.
  2. You should consider who is coming to your defense. For example, if there are professionals from different fields, you will have to provide more explanation on your topic. However, if you have the experts like you are, you can present more details and focus on some arguable points.

  3. Put everything in a context.
  4. You should explain why your research has a major impact, provide some references, and share interesting background information about your subject. Remember that everything that you talk about and present on your slides should refer to your topic and support your main idea.

  5. Provide effective transitions.
  6. You should tell a story, so it is important to make effective transitions from point to point. You should structure your presentation and ensure that it flows from section to section. Do not hesitate to leave out a slide or a point that does not fit in the story. Tell your audience that some more details are presented in your thesis.

  7. Create great slides.
  8. Some great slides can save your presentation even if you forget to tell something vital. You should make sure that everything is readable, axes of any graphs are labeled, and the text does not contain spelling mistakes. It is advisable that you restate the major point from each slide before you move to another one.

What Final Tips to Keep in Mind

A defense committee members will appreciate if you provide small details. It is a good idea to demonstrate a few graphs with your experimental results or some minor findings that you consider interesting. It is recommended that you use the same program and a slide layout throughout your presentation.

Practice makes your thesis defense presentation perfect, so you should run it through your head, do it with and without slides, and give it in front of other people. Ask your friends or family members to help you. They will provide you with great advice on how to improve your “big talk” and make it sound natural.

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