Writing A Psychology Dissertation: Useful Advice For Students

The dissertation, the final big project for most students before they acquire their diploma and doctorates, no doubt it does demand the expected amount of effort for its completion. During this project, a student is expected to identify a situation, devise a plan of action, analyze and interpret data, along with many other activities.

For the first time student, this may seem like a major undertaking and indeed it should be considered as such. There are many things that are expected of a well written paper that someone with no experience in the process may overlook. In five short points, I will highlight some tips that can set you on the right track to successfully completing your paper:

  1. Select a suitable topic
  2. Choice of topic can greatly affect the ease at which one can complete their paper and you should pay articular attention to this. You should try to select a topic that you are interested in and also has enough information available on it, to enable you to construct a complete paper.

  3. View examples of papers from all available sources
  4. There are many places you can visit to examine examples of papers done by students before you. You can begin by using a search engine to find these examples, you should be provided with links to many sites that host samples that are free to view. Another location to visit is an online university. These offer full courses and some of these may prove useful to you as you complete your dissertation.

  5. Devise a plan of action, taking all of your resources into account
  6. Planning is always a good strategy and it never hurts to be prepared. Before you begin writing, it is important to take some time to consider your objective and devise a strategy by which to proceed. It is also helpful to do a rough draft of your paper, this can help identify things you may have overlooked in your original plans.

  7. Manage your time properly
  8. Time management is an important part of success and you should consider this seriously, many students over estimate the amount of time they have left, which results in a rushed paper and poor grades.

  9. Prepare for your defense
  10. While you may not be called upon to defend your paper, it is a possibility and it never hurts to be prepared. As you construct you paper and conduct your research, always bear in mind that you may be called upon to give reasons for your content.

Tips For Writing

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